One Man Shakespeare- Hamlet and Macbeth
By William Shakespeare
Category: Theatre/Dance
Genre: Theater
William Mann
McAulay Studio
Date and Time:
May 6 and May 20 at 3pm
Ticket Price:
HKD 250-HKD 125
HK Island
Nearest MTR Station:
Wan Chai
Ticketing By: Others
Age Limitation: ---
Experience William Shakespeare’s great masterpieces Hamlet and Macbeth performed as a double bill by one actor, in the McAulay Studio at the Hong Kong Arts Centre on May 6 and May 20 at 3pm. Each show will be followed by an Audience Q&A with actor and director William Mann.
After directing and acting in over 20 Shakespeare productions in Europe, William Mann recently relocated to Hong Kong to premiere his One Man Shakespeare plays. After Hamlet and Macbeth, the plan is to present Shakespeare’s 4 greatest tragedies - Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello and King Lear - as one complete tragic cycle.
3,200 lines - 29 characters - 4 plays - 1 actor.
Tickets available at onemanshakespeare.org.