Faith Healer

By Brian Friel

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Drama

Theatre Du Pif

Fringe Club

Date and Time:
18-19 May at 7.45pm

Ticket Price:
HKD100- HKD80- HKD60

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:

Ticketing By: Art Mate

Age Limitation: ---

Following our reading of Brian Friel's Molly Sweeney last summer we are delighted to present a staged reading of Friel's masterpiece Faith Healer. 

Frank Hardy, Faith Healer, has spent a lifetime touring the decayed villages of Scotland and Wales with his manager Teddy, and his wife/mistress Grace. Now he accepts that he must return to Ireland, a destiny he can no longer postpone. The story of their touring and of their fateful return is told in separate, often contradictory stories by Grace and Teddy and Frank himself. These narratives taken together make up a mosaic that is both compelling and terrifying.

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