The Glass Menagerie
By Tennessee Williams
Category: Theatre/Dance
Genre: Theater
The Shadow Players
Fringe Club
Date and Time:
November 7 through November 10 at 8pm.
Afternoon show on Saturday 10 at 4pm.
Ticket Price:
HKD 180; HKD 120.
HK Island
Nearest MTR Station:
Ticketing By: Art Mate
Age Limitation: ---
Before "A Streetcar Named Desire", Tennessee Williams first made his name with "The Glass Menagerie". Caught between his histrionic mother and mentally fragile sister, Tom made plans to leave them for good. His mother, however, is set on helping her daughter find a gentleman caller, and forced Tom to invite his friend Jim to dinner.
Originally set in 1930s America, this American classic has been reimagined for 1960s Hong Kong, but the magic of Williams's writing still shines through in this tale of hope, aspirations, and shattered dreams. Featuring strong autobiographical elements, this play is a must-watch for all interested in the life and works of Tennessee Williams.