The Pride

By Alexi Campbell

Warning: Contains adult matters and language.

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Theater

Aurora Theatre

Fringe Club

Date and Time:
February 19-23 at 7.15pm

Ticket Price:
HKD 300/260/240. Preview night on Feb 19 at the special price of HKD 260/208

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:

Ticketing By: Art Mate

Age Limitation: 16

Could a man hide his true nature because of society?

In 1958, Philip is a well-heeled estate agent married to Sylvia, a children’s writer. However, when Sylvia invites her illustrator, Oliver, over for dinner there is an immediate attraction between the two men. Philip is both drawn to and repelled by Oliver’s advances, aware that his whole identity may be at stake should his true feelings be known.

In 2008, the names are the same but Philip and Oliver are this time in a relationship, which has been damaged by Oliver’s addiction to anonymous sex. Sylvia is the friend to whom they turn for comfort.

A play about seismic changes in attitudes to sexuality that has taken place in Britain over the past 60 years reminds us that, despite the sexual sea-change since the 1950s, prejudice is still with us.

''Marvellous, sad and blisteringly funny. A brave and rewarding drama that speaks to us all.''

Miguel Urmeneta
Phillip Smith
Namrata Bindra
Charles Slater

Directed by Marek Steenkamp