Forever Crazy

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Adult Content/Language
Flashing Lights
No student discounts on Friday/Saturday shows

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Adults OnlyCabaret

Le Crazy Horse Paris

HKAPA- Lyric Theatre

Date and Time:
September 11-September 21, 7:45pm and 10:15pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:
Wan Chai

Ticketing By: HK Ticketing

Age Limitation: 18

The original Crazy Horse was founded by Alain Bernardin in 1951. Inspired by femininity, Le Crazy Horse Paris perfectly combines creativity & audacity with stunning, substantially nude, dancers. Forever Crazy, a jewel show which includes the best acts from the historical and the modern Crazy Horse repertoire. Its rich artistic legacy is recognized. 70 minutes with interval.

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