By Jingan Young

Warning: Smoking Scene
Adult Language

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Drama

Hong Kong Arts Festival

Hong Kong City Hall

Date and Time:
March 14-19, 8pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:

Ticketing By: Urbtix

Age Limitation: 6

What do an English editor, banker, inebriate philosopher, and a coke-sniffing, spliff-smoking Australian have in common?

They are all expats in Hong Kong.

1st July 2007, a decade since the ‘handover’, and China’s presence all-pervasive. How do these remnants of Hong Kong’s colonial past fit into the picture? When Joe abruptly abandons his wife, kids and penthouse apartment on The Peak, he never imagines that his social-climbing wife would commit the ultimate betrayal. On his return a few months after his desertion, sparks fly and home truths come out, a child is lost, trust is gained and a perhaps new kind of love emerges.

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