Bullet Catch
By Rob Drummond
Warning: Adult language
Adult content
Category: Theatre/Dance
Genre: Drama
Hong Kong Arts Festival
Date and Time:
March 5-8, 7:45 and 3pm matinee on Saturdays
Ticket Price:
Nearest MTR Station:
Tsim Sha Tsui
Ticketing By: Urbtix
Age Limitation: 12
A stunt so dangerous Houdini refused to attempt it, the Bullet Catch has claimed the lives of at least 12 illusionists, assistants and spectators since its conception in 1613. Drawing help from his daring live audience, modern-day marvel (William Wonder) presents a unique theatrical magic show featuring storytelling, mind reading, levitation, games of chance and, if you are brave enough to stay for it, the most notorious finale in show business.