Je Danse Toujours

By Timothée de Fombelle

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Non-verbal Theatre

HK Theatre Association


Date and Time:
April 29-May 3, 8pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:
Wan Chai

Ticketing By: Others

Age Limitation: 6

A winter’s night, during the war.
A very young woman bends over a typewriter. Her name is Claire. She doesn’t utter a word. The man she is waiting for has not come, as every evening, to dictate to her his clandestine messages. She should go, leave the flat which may be already surrounded. But Claire stays. She knows it’s almost time. She writes the woman she will not be, the life she would have loved to tell, one day,

A piece of physical theatre in French with English surtitles.