Liars' League
Warning: Adult Language
Category: Theatre/Dance
Genre: Spoken Word
Story Worthy Week
Date and Time:
September 15, 8pm
Ticket Price:
HK Island
Nearest MTR Station:
Ticketing By: HK Ticketing
Age Limitation: 18
The award winning Liars’ League Hong Kong (est. 2012) is a live literary fiction night – the basic premise is writers write, actors read, audience listens and everybody wins. We usually perform every last Monday of the month, curating our flash fiction stories and acts to a certain theme, but for this unique event as part of Storyworthyweek, we bring you longer, meatier tales that get right at the heart of our city: Hong Kong. Best of all, it’s free entry (and always will be!) so don’t forget to rock up early to secure a seat. For more information about Liars’ League, please visit liarsleaguehk.blogspot.hk.