New Force in Motion Series: 'The Left Hander'

By Blue Ka Wing

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Dance

Leisure & Cultural Services Department

HK Rep Black Box
Kwai Tsing Theatre

Date and Time:
8pm on September 12-13, and matinees (3pm) on weekends

Ticket Price:

New Territories East

Nearest MTR Station:
Kwai Hing

Ticketing By: Urbtix

Age Limitation: 6

Because it already belongs to me 
Because it is the true me 
Because it is born unto me 

It is a simple honest feat to discover what one truly is 
The bloodline from which I came, bestowed on me by my parents and forebears 
My family is an extension of the self. Ever since I took to choreography, I was going to leave the molly-coddled environment