By Various
Category: Theatre/Dance
Genre: Festival/Variety Show
Hong Kong Deaf Drama Festival
McAulay Studio
HKAPA- Drama Theatre
Date and Time:
September 26-29, 8pm,
3pm matinee on Saturday
Ticket Price:
HK Island
Nearest MTR Station:
Wan Chai
Ticketing By: Urbtix
Age Limitation: ---
Hong Kong Deaf Drama Festival is Hong Kong's first-ever Deaf-led theatre, the repertoire is written and produced by Deaf Playwright and Producer (Angel Yu and Bernard Lee) and acted by four Hong Kong Deaf Drama Theatre groups including Hong Kong School for the Deaf Alumni Association—UKNOW, Spice Theatre, Hong Kong Theatre of the Deaf and Theatre of the Silence. The performance comprises dance, sign language poetry, sign language story-telling and multi-media performances. Half price tickets for students. No surtitles are provided at this event as the audience is encouraged to communicate with the performers.