I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change
By Joe DiPietro and Jimmy Roberts.
Warning: Adult Content
Adult Language
Category: Theatre/Dance
Genre: Musical
Hong Kong Singers
Date and Time:
October 15-19, 8pm and 3pm matinee on Sunday
Ticket Price:
HK Island
Nearest MTR Station:
Wan Chai
Ticketing By: Urbtix
Age Limitation: 12
I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change is a Broadway musical smash hit that has been performed internationally since its first run in 1996. It’s described as “everything you have ever secretly thought about dating, romance, marriage, lovers, husbands, wives and in-laws, but were afraid to admit”. Sharp, witty and alarmingly accurate, the script is a series of vignettes that cover everything from falling in lust and the singles scene to early parenthood and the death of a partner. Matinee performance and opening night performance have a lowered ticket price of 200hkd.