Ravens We Shall Load Bullets
By Kunio Shimizu
Warning: Partial nudity.
Flashing Lights.
Late comers will not be admitted.
Category: Theatre/Dance
Genre: Drama
Saitama Gold Theater
Date and Time:
November 14-16, 8pm and 3pm matinee on Sunday
Ticket Price:
Nearest MTR Station:
Kwai Fong
Ticketing By: Urbtix
Age Limitation: ---
The solemn trial of two young protestors, who are in court for throwing explosives, is suddenly disrupted when a gang of elderly women breaks into the courtroom with broomsticks and bombs. Disregarding rules and standard behaviour, the grannies turn defendants into plaintiffs, prosecutors into hostages, and even have to fight the renewed flame of desire.
140HKD seats have restricted view. Performance is in Japanese with surtitles.