Hugless Douglas

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Great for Kids

ABA Productions

HKAPA- Drama Theatre

Date and Time:
January 29-February 1, 3pm and 5pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:
Wan Chai

Ticketing By: HK Ticketing

Age Limitation: ---

Hugless Douglas is a huggable, lovable young brown bear who wakes up one morning in need of a hug.  He tries to find the perfect one, but none of them seem quite right. After all, there are so many different hugs to choose from.   

But Douglas soon discovers that there’s only one hug that will do - a big bear hug from his mum! 

Join Douglas in this happy new show, full of laughter, sing along songs and plenty of opportunities to join in!