Erth's Dinosaur Show

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Great for Kids

ABA Productions and Erth Visual and Physical Inc

HKAPA- Drama Theatre

Date and Time:
January 22-25, 10am, 12n, 3pm and 5pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:
Wan Chai

Ticketing By: HK Ticketing

Age Limitation: ---

Meet awesome prehistoric creatures, from cute baby dinos to some of the largest carnivores and herbivores that have ever walked the planet! Erth’s dinosaurs are unmistakably ‘alive’ and mostly friendly! In this fun, educational and unique performance that will delight all audiences from ages 5 years and up. 

Get upclose and personal with an amazing array of creatures from bygone eras, connecting young audiences to the real science of palaeontology.

Showtimes rotate. Please check with boxoffice when purchasing.

Discount when purchasing two or more KIDSFEST tickets.