Happy Birthday?
Category: Theatre/Dance
Genre: Dance
Hong Kong Cultural Center- Studio Theatre
Date and Time:
April 24-26, 8pm and 3pm on weekends
Ticket Price:
Nearest MTR Station:
Tsim Sha Tsui
Ticketing By: Urbtix
Age Limitation: ---
Why must a birthday be happy? Could it be unhappy? About to turn 40, CCDC’s choreographer, Noel Pong finds inspiration in reaching this supposedly milestone in life and reflects on social networking as well as alienation in this age. Happy Birthday? is the party that entertains and enlightens. Energetic and full of excitement, everyone is welcome to this party. Whether you are a dance fan or not, you are invited!
Happy Birthday? is presented by CCDC. Tickets is available at URBTIX from 13 March.