The Imaginary Invalid

By Moliere, adapted by Peter Jordan

Warning: Cantonese with Surtitles

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Comedy

Hong Kong Rep

Hong Kong City Hall

Date and Time:
May 16-31, 7:45 and 2:45pm matinees on weekends. No shows on Mondays.

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:

Ticketing By: Urbtix

Age Limitation: 12

A comedy classic by master playwright Molière and a caricature of human weaknesses

Desperate measures by a hypochondriac expose a house full of falseness


In 1673, the final play by French comedy master Molière—The Imaginary Invalid—premiered in Paris. The story concerns a hypochondriac who spends so much money paying for fake cures that he is forced to try to marry his daughter to a doctor in order to reduce his medical bills. As a playwright famous for his outspoken, dark-edged and often dangerous satires against powerful people, Molière may well have found his own demise in such circumstances very funny.


In Cantonese with English and Chinese surtitles.