Voice and Dances of a Distant Land

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Dance

Hong Kong Dance Company

Tsuen Wan Town Hall

Date and Time:
September 25-26, 8pm and 3pm on weekends

Ticket Price:

New Territories East

Nearest MTR Station:
Tsuen Wan

Ticketing By: Urbtix

Age Limitation: ---

Ever wonder what a modern makeover of Chinese traditional folk art is like? Hong Kong Dance Company will collaborate with Yat Po Singers, a local a cappella group, to deliver a creative remaking of the most vibrant, ecstatic Chinese folk songs and dances. In Voices and Dances of the Distant Land, Yat Po Singers will render a collection of widely loved folk songs into choral music, airing their melodic beauty and idyllic spirit with the magic of voices.