I Want Euthanasia

Warning: Adult Content

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Physical Theatre

Fringe Club

Fringe Club

Date and Time:
January 28-30, 8pm and 3pm matinee on Saturday afternoon

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:

Ticketing By: HK Ticketing

Age Limitation: 12

A typical family in Hong Kong, a paralyzed patient. Their lives go on – heads down, senseless, dragging. 

One day, the patient states publicly that he wants to end his life with dignity. Shocked by the news, his family tries to persuade him to embrace life, stay positive and face the future. He persists, and typing on the keyboard with a chopstick in his mouth, he writes his only wish: “I want euthanasia.” 

After several tours in Europe and Asia, Théâtre de La Feuille is heading home to perform I Want Euthanasia, a moving piece of poetic and powerful physical theatre based on Tang Siu-pun’s autobiography of the same name. This thoughtful and inspiring production raises a universal question about freedom of choice.