Beyond Babel

Category: Art

Genre: Visual Art

Alisan Art Gallery

Room 2305, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Date and Time:
February 20- March 16, 1-6pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:
Sheung Wan

Ticketing By: Others

Age Limitation: ---

Born in Singapore in 1953, Li Dezhuang has worked and lived in Shanghai, China, for many years, this is Alisan Fine Arts first solo exhibition for this important artist. The exhibition conveys the artist’s exploration of the relationships between imagery and culture, and his attempts to demonstrate that art and specifically the symbols of a well, mountains, and fields are universal. The works on display are the culmination of 30 years of artistic practice, starting from the artist’s semi-abstract harbour scenes, to full abstraction. Several of the works feature the Chinese characters for well (井), mountain (山) and field (田), but rather than fulfill a mere lexical function, the artist teases out their aesthetic nature, pulling apart the lines that the characters are composed of.