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Review- The Legend of Mulan- Hong Kong Dance Company13-6-15

Based on the famous folklore of one of China’s most iconic historic heroines, Mulan by the Hong Kong Dance Company was a captivating dance drama that told the legend of Mulan in beautiful choreography, seamless storytelling, and visually arresting production. Director and Choreographer Yang Yuntao continues to impress with his work and I can now call myself a fan.


Review- Letters to the Beloved- Perilous Mouths6-6-15

When was the last time you looked at your pocket change? Really gave it a good once over. The change that we handle daily is paid little heed, seen it, dealt with it, handled it, paid whatever with it. Familiarity of the common currency in use breeds complacency.


Review- Legally Blonde, the Musical- Face Productions5-6-15

Face Productions brings us another fun-filled musical from Broadway to allow our local talent to show their skills and entertain. I was part of the audience for last year’s Footloose and loved the energy of the cast. This year’s production was no less energetic and they were clearly dedicated to delivering a great show.


Review- Figaro- Aurora Theatre5-6-15

Opening with a sultry Argentine Tango by Sirio Dance Studio that leads into an hour and a half of humour, social commentary and vivid characters, Aurora Theatre’s production of Figaro directed by Nicole Garbellini and Vanessa Noble didn't have a dull moment onstage or off. (The fun spills over into the intermission!).


Review- Doubt: A Parable- Sweet & Sour Productions4-6-15

If ‘satisfaction is a vice’, as Sister Aloysius says, then I have found a new vice. I expected to be impressed with this play having heard so many positive things from last year’s run but I was not expecting to be blown away with everything about the play!


Review- Peel Street Poetry28-5-15

Orange Peel is a hip nightclub in the middle of Lan Kwai Fong. You wouldn’t know it at first glance but this place is a mecca for poetry every Wednesday night. I was invited to see Peel Street Poetry, a performance group that has been bringing poetry jams to Hong Kong for years. It was exciting to see a new type of show, something casual and it didn’t hurt that the price was free. (Just buy a drink to support the bar!)


Review- Order and Chaos- Liars' League27-5-15

This is my first time attending Liars’ League. I heard about it when I lived in New York but have never been. I was excited to see that Hong Kong had its own version and travelled out to XXX in Kennedy Town to see the show. For newbies to HK, like myself, this part of HK is a bit unfamiliar and hard to navigate but luckily I found the venue pretty quickly. The venue was full of art and story lovers. It was so nice to see a group of people like that on Monday night!


Review- Boy Story/Reborn- Unlock Dancing Plaza25-5-15

I went into Boy Story/Reborn not knowing what to expect. I haven’t seen much modern dance in Hong Kong but by reading the program, I came to learn that Yuri Ng is one of our city’s most cherished and prolific choreographers of recent years.


Review- Ivor Gurney, A Voice Apart- Fringe Club22-5-15

Ivor Gurney is an English poet-composer who fought in World War I. After being wounded and gassed, he was sent to Stone House Mental Hospital in 1922 and struggled with post-war trauma in the last 15 years of his life in psychiatric hospitals before dying of tuberculosis aged just 47. His fame only came posthumously. In Penguin Classics' 2012 anthology Three Poets of the First World War, he is featured along with Wilfred Owen and Isaac Rosenberg. In 2014, Tim Kendall filmed a documentary on him titled Ivor Gurney, the Poet Who Loved the War for BBC4.


Review- The Sound of Music- Lunchbox Productions18-5-15

This is definitely one of my favourite things in Hong Kong this year!


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