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Review- Mother Matters- Apple Pie Productions11-5-15
"Oh!... They did it again. They played with your heart, got lost in the game…"
Review- Assassins- Hong Kong Singers and Perilous Mouths9-5-15
A joint production between Perilous Mouths Entertainment and the Hong Kong Singers brings us a production of Assassins directed by Clare Stearns and Forrest Morr - a musical by Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman about the nine men and women who have attempted presidential assassination.
Review-The Land of Smiles- Opera Hong Kong8-5-15
The Land of Smiles is a strange opera. It's based on the Chinese principle of smiling through life, no matter what happens. Written by Austrian composers Franz Lehar, Ludwig Herzer and Fritz Löhner-Beda, it's a short piece about East meets West love but lacks many authentic feelings in the dialogue. It's a Chinois piece, so felt at times like a Western country playing Asian and at times came across very dated in the same way Flower Drum Song does.
Review- Jekyll & Hyde- Chung Ying Theatre5-5-15
I can’t believe that all these things happened. And none of them were in a dream.
Review- The Real Inspector Hound- Shadow Players30-4-15
The Real Inspector Hound exemplifies the fascinating style that is the Theatre of the Absurd, juxtaposing laugh-out-loud humour with surprisingly intellectual themes to provide a strong emphasis on the nature of meta-theatricality.
Review- Happy Birthday?- CCDC25-4-15
Birthdays are a certainty in life, coming around like clockwork, a fixed point around which each life can turn. And, unlike death and taxes, they’re a cause for celebration. Or are they?
Review- Sorry, Shakespeare!- Shakespeare in the Port24-4-15
Laugh out loud. Fast Paced. Incredibly polished.
Review- A Midsummer Night's Dream- Shakespeare in the Port20-4-15
The Shax Theatre Group (STG) was founded in 2010 by five Shakespeare addicts from the University of Hong Kong. Over the years, membership of the group has expanded to double digits with the staging of six Shakespearean plays on and off campus. This is not the first time STG performs at Shakespeare in the Port. The group had a well-acclaimed record for making a guest performance with their “Downton Abbey” style Twelfth Night for last year’s SITP, thus prompting their return this year with another well-known bard’s work directed by the school’s alumna Rosalind Wong
Review- The Tempest- Shakespeare in the Port19-4-15
One of three main productions for this year's Shakespeare in the Port, The Tempest directed by Aska Leung is an 80-minute short but interesting physical theatre piece. Showcasing their talent, the performers perfectly demonstrate the power of physical theatre by some seriously impressive acting. The form of this production is also very enjoyable and fits well with The Tempest as one of Shakespeare’s most self-reflective scripts.
Review- Lear- Shakespeare in the Port19-4-15
They say that simplicity is a sign of perfection. Shakespeare in the Port’s Lear is a very simple production. It’s presented as I would imagine it was during the Renaissance. There is a large open stage, some props, an occasional set piece, a backdrop and very talented actors who are there to weave us a tale of a King’s descent into madness.
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