
Preview-BitterGirl-Aurora Theatre17-10-13

Over the weekend HKELD was invited for a sneak peak of Aurora Theatre's latest production, BitterGirl.


Review-Liars' League-Gay & Straight10-9-13

When reviewing a Liars' League show for HKELD, some DO NOTs to bear in mind:


Things I Learned About the Biz from the Muppets6-9-13

It's time to play the music. It's time to light the lights. I learned a lot about the theatre from the Muppet Show tonight.


The Hecklers, Roundup!5-9-13

We had such a great time on Tuesday night at the awards. Thanks to everyone who came out and celebrated with us.


And the Winners Are...4-9-13

Drum Roll Please...


Listen to Us!3-9-13

Yesterday we went on RTHK to talk about The Hecklers.


Happy Birthday To Us!1-9-13

One year ago today we opened the web doors of HKELD.


Artist of the Month-September-Jacqueline Gourlay Grant1-9-13

We are happy to host Ms. Grant as our September AoM. She's a hometown staple and one of our favorite leading ladies. She's currently nominated as Best Actress for The Hecklers for her role in Glorious! Jacqueline is currently working on ACT's You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. You can check it out this fall.


Thanks for Voting!22-8-13

Thanks for your enthusiasm for The Hecklers. The voting is now closed.


Nominees-Best Coverup (The Oops! Award)20-8-13

We described the award as the following when we announced it, "The oops! award. Had an understudy step at the last minute and save a show? Had a technical disaster happen on your show and your SM save the day? This is the award to recognize those brave artists who showed courage under fire and saved the ship when it was going down!"


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