Review- Refugees of the Septic Heart- Tom Dale Company

By: Rachel Barton
Formed in 2001, Tom Dale Company has established itself as belonging to the new wave of artists testing the boundaries of contemporary dance practice. TDC creates collaborative performances, with a particular focus on the synergy between electronic music, the digital arts and dance.
I was beyond excited to see Tom Dale Company in person for the first time. Its work has a strong philosophical approach, reflected within the abstract worlds it creates to explore global issues pertinent to contemporary society. Innovative worlds of performance are created as the company craft work that is woven into the fabric of our times.
Refugees of the Septic Heart is a show that blends multi-media, dance and light into a 60 minute performance. A gorgeous and enchanting production; it puts you in awe of the beauty of the art form. The combination of Digital Art by Barret Hodgson and Lighting Design by Liam Fahey make a magical world full of twinkly lights. The dacers come across as fairies at times and this is largely due to the theatricality in the designs.
Sabrina Gargano was my favorite dancer in the company. She was gorgeous on stage with beautiful extentions, great height on her leaps and wonderful expression through her face and body language. The piece explores human consciousness, it philosophically weaves an abstract narrative as six dancers embark on an evolutionary journey spanning a distant past to a high-finance present before exploding into a new dimension. Inspired by the original music of Shackleton (Composer) and by Vengeance Tenfold (Spoken Word Artist) the sound track is hopping and fully engages you, although it's a touch too loud at times, especially for young audience members who might be easily scared by loud music.
The overall production is simply stunning.
Refugees of the Septic Heart has now closed. For more information, click here.
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