Refugees of the Septic

Warning: Adult Language

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Dance

Tom Dale Company

Hong Kong City Hall

Date and Time:
June 19-21, 8pm and 3pm matinee

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:

Ticketing By: Urbtix

Age Limitation: ---

Refugees of the Septic Heart is inspired by the original music of Shackleton (Composer) and by Vengeance Tenfold (Spoken Word Artist) which Tom Dale Company have transformed with movement, light and digital projection into this full theatrical version.  The piece becomes about the story of man and his relationship with the world and the cosmos.  It is a world in flux, at a tipping point, a society perched on the brink of change.  WhileRefugees of the Septic Heart explores the development of human consciousness, it philosophically weaves an abstract narrative as sixc  dancers embark on an evolutionary journey spanning a distant past to a high-finance present before exploding into a new dimension.  Instincts of control and organisation evolve into absurdity, parody & humour before erupting into the essential dance of life and the elements.  Who are the ‘Refugees of the Septic Heart’?

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