The 2014-2015 Hecklers!


Sign up for your ballot here!


Can you believe it's been a year since last year's nominations for the Hecklers? We can't... This year has flown by. There's been so many wonderful performances this year by local performers- we can't wait to see who ends up on the ballot this year! is proud to announce that starting on July 4th our site will be working hard to celebrate the best moments of the 2014-2015 performance season.



Last year we held our ceremony at Grappa's, over 200 artists attended the ceremony and over 7,000 votes were cast during the voting process. If you're proud of your work this past year or have a favorite moment from this year's stage- make sure that it's on the final ballot- get out there and rock the vote.

“Last year's ceremony was a lot of fun! It was great to see artists from all over Hong Kong get together and celebrate the community." says Miss McGurgan

“It’s great that through HKELD this award ceremony can continue to recognize the contribution these artists make to Hong Kong’s cultural identity and sense of self,” adds HKELD director Tom Hope.


Rules of Voting


*This is an award ceremony to celebrate artists who live and work in Hong Kong. Tours that have visited Hong Kong in the past year are not eligible.

*The defined 2014-2015 theatre season for the purposes of these awards is from July 1st, 2014 to June 30th, 2015. If you have any questions about what shows happened in the past year you can look back at the calendar or can look at the review page.

*Our voting process is open. The 5 nominees in each category with the largest number of votes will appear on the final ballot. In case of a tie, 6 persons/shows will appear on the final ballot. The nominee from the final ballot with the highest number of votes will be the winner of the award. Incomplete ballots or ballots that are confusing will not counted during the nomination process. (For example: I want to nominate that guy in that show or I want to nominate the guy who played Booth in TopDog/UnderDog.) We will need their name so we know who you are voting for.

*Click these links to see the nominees and winners of last year’s awards.



*You must have a valid email address to vote and may only vote once from your IP address. This is to keep spybots from tainting the voting pool. 

*There are no language restrictions on the acting categories. Actors can be nominated that perform in any language.

*Original works must have had their “world premiere” in Hong Kong during the 2014-2015 season. There are no language restrictions in the original works category. Original dance pieces are also eligible.

*Ballots are blind. We cannot see who is casting each vote.


Important Dates to Remember

Nominations will start on July 4th and go until August 4th. You can nominate up to 5 persons/shows in each category.

Final ballots will be sent out via email on August 5th. Ballots will be accepted for one month and voting will close on September 5th. To receive your final ballot you must enter your email into the box at the bottom of this page.

*Our awards will take place at Orange Peel in LKF on September 7th, 8pm, 2015! Save the date.



Other Notes

*Nominees under 18 years of age can attend, if a guardian is present.

*We received several letters from the community about the removal of "The Best Stage Manager" category. This category was removed for several reasons, including low voter turnout and lack of attendance to the cermony by nominees. We love stage managers and want to do something that honors them- but still need a category that will remain popular with the HKELD readers. So, we have created "The Heart Award". The Heart Award honors the person who that was the heart of a production. The heart can be a stage manager, a volunteer, an actor or a dedicated fan; this person gives the theatre what really matters... It's heart.

*There was a tie in the audience voting category between two awards. Both have been included in the final categories.

The Categories

Name of the Award
Description of the Award
How to write down your nomination on the open ballot. You can nominate up to 5 persons/shows in each category. Please put a comma between each different nominee.


Best Show (Non-Musical)
Best play without music or dance. Can be classical or modern.
Name of Production, Producing Company

Best Show (Musical)
Best musical or opera.
Name of Production, Producing Company

Best Foreign Language Production
Best non-English piece of theatre, any style eligible.
Name of Production, Producing Company

Best Alternative Art Event
We have great spoken word events, performance art and stand-up comedy in Hong Kong. Nominate your faves!
Name of Event

Best Dance Show
Any style of dance is eligible.
Name of Production, Producing Company

Best Director
Best Director, Can be in a play or a musical.
Name of Director, Production Name

Best Actor
Best Actor in a Leading Role; can be in a play, musical, dance show or opera.
Name of Actor, Role, Production Name

Best Actress
Best Actress in a Leading Role; can be in a play, musical, dance show or opera.
Name of Actress, Role, Production Name

Best Supporting Actor
Best Actor in a Supporting Role; can be in a play, musical, dance show or opera.
Name of Actor, Role, Production Name

Best Supporting Actress
Best Actress in a Supporting Role; can be in a play, musical, dance show or opera.
Name of Actress, Role, Production Name

Best Designer
Outstanding Theatrical Design. Any medium can be nominated.
Name of Designer, Type of Design, Production Name

Best Original Work
Best New Work of the 2012-2013 Season. Any language or style of work can be nominated.
Production Name, Playwright/Choreographer

The Heart Award
Whether they are a stage manager, a volunteer or a dedicated fan. This person gave your production HEART.
Name of Nominee, Reason for Nominating

The Revolution Award
Whether it's a new idea, a new concept or a political artist. Nominate your favorite "revolutionary" in town.
Name of Nominee, Reason for Nominating

Best Local Band
Best band in Hong Kong. Any language or style of work can be nominated.
Name of Nominee

Best Ticketing Provider
These guys make our lives easier with great service and less red tape.
Ticketing Provider

Best Post-Show Hot Spot
Where's your local watering hole? Show your love for an art loving establishment!
Name of Bar/Restaurant 




Your Name

Your Email

Final Ballots will be sent via email by August 4th. Please check this box to give us permission to contact you.


You definitely want to get in on the fun this year. Last year over 7,000 votes were cast and some ballots came down to 2 votes! Thanks to our venue sponsor, Orange Peel, we're going to have a ceremony that will be fun and highlight the great work of the local art community.


Just like previous years, tickets for the Hecklers will be free of charge. We will be sending out invitations to the nominated productions first and then sending invites to persons on our subscribers list. If you want to make sure you are invited- sign up for our monthly newsletter.



If you're interested in sponsoring an individual award or being a presenter please contact us! We have lots of sponsorship options and are going to need a lot of help to make the HECKLERS a night of fun and glamour for everyone involved.

Now don't forget to vote!