Sink & Swim

Warning: Adult Language

Category: Theatre/Dance

Genre: Workshop

Liars' League HK


Date and Time:
May 27, 8pm

Ticket Price:

HK Island

Nearest MTR Station:
Sheung Wan

Ticketing By: Others

Age Limitation: ---

New venue! We're hosting May's Liars' League event at The Space. It's BYOB but try not to bring in fishbowls or explosive kegs - the gallery has kindly accomodated us for the evening and we should keep it clean for them. We've got eight thrilling tales for you again - try to stay afloat as we swim through stories of dish jockeys, unorthodox interrogation and magical fish. among others. We'll choose a designated bar/pub for the afterparty as The Space will close up around 10.30pm. Again, it's all FREE!

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