A Christmas Carol

December 4-7th, 7:45pm.
By Charles Dickens. Adapted and directed by Candice Gourlay Moore.

Back by popular demand! This adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic novella is full of comedy, drama, songs and the joy of Christmas! Tickets on sale now at Ticketflap.

Jacob Marley dies at midnight on Christmas Eve. His business partner, Ebenezer Scrooge, does not shed a tear. He wants to bury Jacob quickly, cheaply and return to the business of making money. Scrooge is unkind to everyone. He refuses to spend Christmas with his nephew, will not donate money to charity to help the poor and cuts the wages of his loyal Clerk, Bob Cratchit.

Scrooge is visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley who warns him if he does not change his ways he will be doomed forever! Three ghosts will visit Scrooge: The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present and The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come. Scrooge is terrified!

The Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge on a journey where he sees himself as a lonely child, an apprentice clerk and a young man in love. The Ghost of Christmas Present shows him Bob Cratchit’s poor, struggling family and takes him to see his nephew celebrating Christmas. The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come scares him the most by showing visions of his death.

When Scrooge wakes on Christmas Day, he is relieved to be back in his own bed. The ghosts have taught him the error of his ways. He is full of relief, joy and excitement. He buys the biggest turkey for the Cratchit family, apologises to people he has offended and spends Christmas Day with his nephew!







Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow

September 16-22 at 8pm Sunday 22 at 6pm

Australia’s biggest comedy festival returns to Hong Kong!

Gear up for giggles! The Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow is back with a new crew of fantastically funny comedians, specially selected to bring the irresistible energy of Australia’s largest comedy festival to Hong Kong! With a diverse and dynamic line-up of performers hand-picked by the Festival, you know you’re in for a night of exceptional entertainment.

This year’s line-up features a rising star on the Singapore scene, Fakkah Fuzz; one of most exciting voices on the Australian comedy scene, Becky Lucas; the award-winning and hilariously unpredictable Aaron Chen; teacher turned comic, musician and actor Ben Knight, and one of Melbourne’s favourite British guests and an “English Comedian of the Year” winner, Brennan Reece.

Hong Kong Fringe Club, Monday 16 – Sunday 22 September 2019.


Top Notch 1 and 2

May 31 and June 1 at 8pm

Hong Kong Stories' Top Notch Shows bring back the best and most beloved stories from our sold-out shows in the past 12 months. Come listen to their live performance and experience your favourite stories firsthand!



The Pillowman

May 7-10 at 7.30pm
By Martin McDonagh

Martin McDonagh's The Pillowman is a dark drama that takes place in a nameless totalitarian state. The play opens in a police interrogation room as two officers, Tupolski and Ariel, question a man named Katurian about some violent child murders.


The Pride

February 19-23 at 7.15pm
By Alexi Campbell

Could a man hide his true nature because of society?

In 1958, Philip is a well-heeled estate agent married to Sylvia, a children’s writer. However, when Sylvia invites her illustrator, Oliver, over for dinner there is an immediate attraction between the two men. Philip is both drawn to and repelled by Oliver’s advances, aware that his whole identity may be at stake should his true feelings be known.

In 2008, the names are the same but Philip and Oliver are this time in a relationship, which has been damaged by Oliver’s addiction to anonymous sex. Sylvia is the friend to whom they turn for comfort.

A play about seismic changes in attitudes to sexuality that has taken place in Britain over the past 60 years reminds us that, despite the sexual sea-change since the 1950s, prejudice is still with us.

''Marvellous, sad and blisteringly funny. A brave and rewarding drama that speaks to us all.''

Miguel Urmeneta
Phillip Smith
Namrata Bindra
Charles Slater

Directed by Marek Steenkamp


Hong Kong Love Stories

January 16-26 at 7pm Afternoon performance on Jan 19 at 3pm
By Jay Christopher

Is it possible to find true love in Hong Kong? Mimi and Freddy have never met, but are alike in many ways. Both are hopeless romantics who haven’t had much luck as singles in Hong Kong but are still holding out for someone special to come along. By coincidence, their respective best friends make it their mission to arrange blind dates for them. What follows is a back and forth account of their comical misadventures, enduring one bad date after another, as they search for true love in the city.

Presented by Sweet and Sour Productions Ltd.

Written by Jay Christopher. Directed by Candice Moore. 

Starring Marsha Yuan, Vincent Chiu, Catherine Fu, Hamish Campbell, Samuel Craig, Onnie Chan, Marc Ngan, and Kristina Pakhomova.

Part of the proceeds goes to Hong Kong Dog Rescue.


Crowdfunded EP Launch Show

January 12 at 8pm

The upcoming SHAOLIN FEZ Official EP Launch Show is set for 8pm on Saturday, January 12th at the Fringe Club Dairy. We will be using a 14-piece ensemble, featuring diva Jennifer Palor, to perform two full sets. 
After successfully crowd-funding $60,000 HKD for this project, the EP, “THIS IS NOW OUR HOME”, features 25 of Hong Kong’s finest professional musicians (who all volunteered their services). It was recorded in Hong Kong’s top studios, mixed by Swedish engineer Ulf Olofsson, and mastered in Los Angeles by Hans De Kline (known for his work for U2, the Pixies, mewithoutYou, Lisa Loeb, etc..). Thanks to our crowdfunding sponsors, we are pledging 100% of the EP proceeds towards relief in war-stricken Yemen. 


The Glass Menagerie

November 7 through November 10 at 8pm. Afternoon show on Saturday 10 at 4pm.
By Tennessee Williams

Before "A Streetcar Named Desire", Tennessee Williams first made his name with "The Glass Menagerie". Caught between his histrionic mother and mentally fragile sister, Tom made plans to leave them for good. His mother, however, is set on helping her daughter find a gentleman caller, and forced Tom to invite his friend Jim to dinner.

Originally set in 1930s America, this American classic has been reimagined for 1960s Hong Kong, but the magic of Williams's writing still shines through in this tale of hope, aspirations, and shattered dreams. Featuring strong autobiographical elements, this play is a must-watch for all interested in the life and works of Tennessee Williams. 


Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow

9-15 July

Australia’s biggest comedy festival at Hong Kong Fringe Club: a week of downright downunder entertainment, all the way from Melbourne: details (including early bird ticket offers) here


Lions, Typhoons and Judy, Oh My!

June 27-30 at 8pm June 29 at 11 pm
By Michael Sharmon

A brand new show about Judy Garland's tumultuous time in Hong Kong. Tickets available at the Fringe Club Box Office and online:  art-mate.net https://www.art-mate.net/doc/50343?name=Lions,+Typhoons+and+Judy,+Oh+My!



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