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This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!
And why is this site called HKELD?
See you today at TedxHongKong!13-5-16
You can see our editor Meaghan today at TEDxHongKong Artful Salon at the Affordable Art Fair! She'll be hosting and guiding you through a day of talks that ask great questions about art...
Preview- The Last Five Years- Aurora Theatre11-5-16
Local theatre company Aurora Theatre is working on The Last Five Years, which opens next week at the Fringe Club. Producer of the show, Nicole Garbellini is thrilled to be producing Aurora's first musical. "I'm positive that people will love it and they'll certainly relate to it."
5 Great Books by Hong Kong Authors10-5-16
Just like you should support Hong Kong's local artists; you should do your best to support Hong Kong's writers. There are several voices that have written unique and captivating reads that you should definitely check out. We highly recommend these books and lucky for you, most of them are also available in e-book, for those that need Kindle reads for their summer vacations.
Gift Ideas for Dancers5-5-16
We had tons of web traffic to our last gift article. We thought we'd keep the theme going with helping you find the perfect gift for the little ballerina in your life.
Beef & Liberty's PMQ Pop-Up Turns It Up!21-4-16
Over the weekend HKELD was invited to Beef & Liberty's PMQ Pop-Up! We we excited to attend because of the blending of live music together with hamburgers, craft beer, art, and culture. Who doesn't love burgers?
Preview- John & Jen- Western District18-4-16
Fans of Western District have heard them play classical music and reinvent it for the popular crowd over the past few years. Now, they're taking on their next project with the Asian premiere of the chamber musical, John & Jen, this weekend at the Fringe Club!
5 Underrated Shakespeare Plays14-4-16
The Bard is known as the greatest playwright of all time. Everyone knows him and his big works. His lesser known plays shouldn't be ignored! Take a look at these five lesser known Shakespeare plays when you're looking for something to impress with at your next intellectual party.
Burn Bright!11-4-16
In today’s world, violence, anger, and Donald Trump make up the majority of the evening news. Where can we go when we feel so depressed from the daily muck? We have to go within and let our inner light shine.
7 Things To Do Instead of Sevens7-4-16
Because drunk white people can be scary...
Preview- The Two Gentlemen of Verona- Shax Theatre Group6-4-16
Hardcore Shakespeare fans can often get bored by seeing the same favorites tread the boards over and over again. I mean, let's think about many productions of Romeo and Juliet we are subjected to yearly?
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