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Review-Fringe Club Play Readings-Hong Kong Hamlet19-11-13
There are two distinct types of play readings. One is a type where persons are given the script beforehand, some time to practice and the audience watches a reading of the play. The second is where a group of people come together, sit around a table and are given parts on the night. They read the script together as a community project similar to when it was Shakespeare day in American high school.
Audience Reaction- Dig-a-Dig16-11-13
Have you had a chance to see Dig-a-Dig?
Audience Reaction- Clockwork Orange13-11-13
Have you had a chance to see Clockwork Orange?
Review-The Maids- RyeT Entertainment9-11-13
The Maids by Jean Genet explores class conflict, sibling rivalry and suppressed sexuality played out through the fantasy, or play—in both senses of the word—of two sisters, Claire and Solange who are maids to the generically named “Madame.” To escape the aridity and confinement of their lives Claire and Solange play, in Madame’s absence, the multiple roles of each other and their employer.
Review-Uncle Vanya-LCSD3-11-13
I’ll not waste words – turn off your mobile, cancel all appointments and catch the final matinee show this afternoon (starts 2.30pm): you will see the finest of dramatic writing interpreted by the finest of theatre companies.
Review-Tom Rhodes-Comedy.hk2-11-13
This is my first time writing a review for standup. It's not an easy thing to do. Standup Comedy is a truly subjective art form. What works for me as an audience member can totally fail for the person next to me and what works for the four guys in the row in the back may not work for me.
Shows We're Reviewing in November1-11-13
October was a very busy month at HKELD. We ended up reviewing a lot more shows than we had originally planned.
Audience Reaction- Endless Eternity31-10-13
Have you had a chance to see Endless Eternity?
Review-BitterGirl-Aurora Theatre31-10-13
BitterGirl, simply put, is a light-hearted play about three women getting dumped and getting over it.
Review- The Dream of the Red Chamber- Hong Kong Ballet27-10-13
Everyone well knows that while most efforts in mixing Eastern and Western elements do birth something new, it’s not always a guaranteed success. As a purist in many ways, I am usually skeptical about how well the two extremes of perspective can mingle to become anything more than a drab grey of confused vision. Yes, sometimes it's interesting but sometimes it's downright horrifying. (No matter what anyone says kimchi burgers are a bad idea.)
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