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Audience Reaction-One Man Lord of the Rings2-10-13
Have you had a chance to see Charlie Ross' One Man Lord of the Rings?
Review-Taming of the Shrew-ABA Productions2-10-13
Editor's Note: The team at HKELD was very excited about The Globe coming to Hong Kong for their production of Taming of the Shrew. We were not invited to review the production but two of our critics attended the show on their own. Their opinions were so vastly different on the production we thought it would make for a very interesting article. This is a boy's and girl's opinion on a show that's all about men vs. women.
Show We're Reviewing in October30-9-13
There are so many exciting shows happening in October! We're so pumped to go and review all these awesome productions.
Review-Four Assassins-Sweet & Sour Productions26-9-13
My first question to self after I finished watching the movie version of Four Assassins on Sunday night (also distastefully known among Hong Kong-ers as Usagi-should-have-aimed-better-night) was this: why on earth would anyone even want to do an adaption of this film?
Review-Forever Crazy-Crazy Horse Paris19-9-13
When you're reviewing a show and dance troupe that's been in existence for 60 years you know your review will hold very little weight with the performers. They've built a successful brand that people enjoy. This review is more for the audience members who are new to burlesque and don't know what Crazy Horse is and whether they will enjoy it or not.
Review-Brew Ha Ha-Comedy.HK15-9-13
Each of these Ozzie comedians just played this year’s Edinburgh Fringe where they garnered 4 star ratings from the likes of Time Out and the Scotsman.
Review-My Queer Valentine-Rick Lau14-9-13
The set: a stool, empty wine bottles and a glass. The accompaniment: Alan Chan on the grand piano. The leading role: The vocals and visuals of Rick Lau.
Review-Liars' League-Gay & Straight10-9-13
When reviewing a Liars' League show for HKELD, some DO NOTs to bear in mind:
Review-Literary Death Match-Story Worthy Week8-9-13
Tonight I was invited to review Literary Death Match as part of Story Worthy Week. Before attending the show I had no idea what LDM was but the name of the event brought up many images to mind. Was it the Hunger Games with giant quills for swords and erasers used in grenade launchers? Was it more Gladiator where the author with inferior sentence structure was sent onstage with a tiger and a stick for self-defence?
Review-A Midsummer Night's Tease-Vixens Burlesque31-8-13
Burlesque requires style, panache, high energy and above all performers with their tongues firmly in their cheeks (no pun intended).
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