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Shows We're Reviewing in September30-8-13
One of the best things about being an online magazine is that we can review the shows that are performing in Hong Kong in REAL TIME while the show is still playing.
Review-Swan Lake-Hong Kong Ballet23-8-13
Swan Lake is one of those classic ballets that companies have to keep in the rep for audiences. People love the story, the music, the characters. I saw Hong Kong Ballet’s Swan Lake in 2009 and in 2011.
Review-Detention-Tang Shu Wing Studio11-8-13
Last night HKELD was invited back to review the re-staging of Detention by Tang Shu Wing Studio. The show is currently on its fourth run in Hong Kong. This is no easy feat and they should be given props for it. They obviously have hit a core with local audience members who love the fast paced fun of the production.
Review-Melbourne International Comedy Roadshow- Fringe Club24-7-13
As an Australian myself, I feel many Hong Kongers (locals and expats alike) think getting any five Aussies up on a stage is enough to inspire hysterical laughter in the room, thanks to our apparently hilarious accent. So even better if they’re funny, right? Right.
Review-Architecture in Motion-Diavolo Dance8-7-13
I was invited to see Architecture in Motion presented by award winning LA Dance Company, Diavolo Dance on Sunday. Boy, was I happy to have gotten a ticket to see this show. I had heard about Diavolo before and was a big fan of co-founder, Jaques Heim's work. But I was interested to see how a show that relied so heavily on large props/sets would transfer into a tour. As most people know tours are often scaled down.
Shows We're Reviewing in July30-6-13
"Summer lovin... Had me a blast! Summer lovin... Happened so fast!"
Review-Hairspray!-Face Productions28-6-13
There was a wee problem with my ticket when I got to the theatre. For a minute I thought that I was not going to see the show. It was a minute that passed quickly enough as I was rescued and a ticket procured quickly for me by the lovely and excruciatingly helpful folks in charge. Boy was I lucky because I wouldn’t have wanted to miss even a second of this production of Hairspray, presented by Face Productions. There are many shows that are good. Some have good sets and costumes, some have music on their side, many have good actors or dancers or singers. Rarely do you have a show where everything is going for it.
Review-Les Illusions de L’Amour 27-6-13
It was a Wednesday night at “Bisous” and you could barely squeeze another person into the venue. The lights went down and we were greeted to the sound of “Disney”, as the show began with Marsha singing a few songs as Belle and Ariel (yes, I know my Disney!).
Review-Duetto-Aurora Theatre27-6-13
Opera is hilarious. This is something I had not realised before I saw Duetto. This is probably something to do with the fact the only operas I have ever seen have been expensive productions in posh settings, involving opera singers who take themselves very seriously. Not that that is bad. I’m a big fan of a night at the opera (every once in a while), but perhaps the spectacle of it all can distract from the story.
Review-Follies-Hong Kong Singers26-6-13
There comes a time for every show, every theatre and every player on stage when the show is over. It’s not so much the falling of the curtain that is so hard but the rising of it to reveal the truth behind the illusion. Such is a lesson that plays out not only on stage but off it in real life.
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