Nominees- Best Director


A director leads the show; is the master of the ship. A great director is more than that. A great director is a visionary and a teacher. A great director helps lead the the creative team and the acting team into making a unique piece of art, all while having fun on the way. All of the directors nominated are great and more than deserving of recognition for their work this past year. It's up to you to decide who is the best of the best, this past season.

Mass disclaimer: all the photos in these nominee articles are the property of the artists who created these shows and the photographers who took them. We're writing these articles to help inform the public so they can make their decisions on the Heckler ballot. Voting will close September 4th. And don't forget the ceremony on September 7th at Orange Peel! 

You can see all the nominees here. You can sign up for your ballot here. And you can sign up for the newsletter here. Newsletter subscribers will be the first ones to receive invites to the party after the nominees!


Candice Moore, Macbeth, Sweet and Sour Productions

Candice Moore is becoming the premiere director in Hong Kong. Her company, Sweet and Sour Productions has a reputation for creating high-quality productions that are entertaining for audience members and for treating its performers with the respect (and pay!) they deserve.

Read the Review.


Mandy Petty, How to Suceed in Business (Without Really Trying), Hong Kong Singers

Mandy Petty is one of Hong Kong's best choreographers. She's worked with a myriad of professional and community theatres throughout the years and was a long time professor at the Hong Kong Academy of the Performing Arts. How to Suceed in Business (Without Really Trying) was in her wheelhouse.


Nicole Garbellini, Romance, Aurora Theatre

Ms. Garbellini has become a staple in the Hong Kong theatre scene over the past few years. Her production of Romance was known for having fast pace and an in your face style of acting.

Read the Review.


Andrew Swift, Puss in Boots: The Panto, Hong Kong Players

Andrew's background is mainly in musicals but he's also got some serious comedic chops! He used both to his advantage when directing, Puss in Boots: The Panto for the Hong Kong Players.


David Tobin and Lisa Middleton, Mother Matters, Apple Pie Productions

David and Lisa paired up to work on the original piece, Mother Matters. It's a show that celebrates moms of all shapes, sizes and origin and all they do for us. The show was known for its simplicity, heart and also raised a big chunk of change for a local charity.

Read the Review.




  • toh han shih
    24 August 2015

    I nominate Nicole Garbellini

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