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Review-The Buying Game 2.0-CCDC12-7-14

This revival of ‘The Buying Game’, first staged at the Cultural Centre’s Studio Theatre in April 2013, is also a reworking. (It’s also a one night stand affair, as part of CCDC’s 35th anniversary celebrations, so if you missed it last year and missed it again this time, you’re going to have to wait a while longer for a re-re-run viewing opportunity.)


Audience Reaction-Attempts on Her Life-HK Rep10-7-14

Did you have a chance to see Attempts on Her Life? What did you think of it?


Audience Reaction-The Chinese Opera Festival-LCSD4-7-14

HKELD has been invited to review select performances at the Chinese Opera Festival this year. We've already reviewed one performance but since there's over 40 performances and workshops there's no way we'll be able to see them all. If you see a production we're not covering, we want to know what you think!


Shows We're Reviewing in July1-7-14

The summer months can be a bit of a slump season for the art season in HK. Many of the artists in town are teachers and take a few months off for fun and frivolity- but no need to fear...


Review-Southeast the Peacock Flies-Chinese Opera Festival28-6-14

I feel the need to start off this review with a bit of disclaimer: I enjoy Cantonese Opera. (Some people don't...) I like the different tones they sing in, especially the dans, they remind me of little kitty cats singing. Some westerners are hesitant to attend their first Canto Opera. It's very different than the traditional opera we're exposed to in the Western world and often favors presentation of the stock character over a linear plot line.


Audience Reaction-The Peacock-LCSD27-6-14

Did you have a chance to see The Peacock?


Review-The Government Inspector-Shadow Players 26-6-14

Shadow Players' The Government Inspector is a wonderful production: full of fast paced dialogue, over the top physical comedy and witty one-liners. Gogol’s The Government Inspector is a theatrical classic; one of the plays you studied in school at length. Shadow Players’ version of this story is a bit shorter than the typical production of this play. It lasts roughly an hour and fifty minutes without intermission, so make sure to have a snack and hit the bathroom before the show.


Audience Reaction-Oh, What a Lovely War-Hong Kong Players25-6-14

Did you have a chance to see Oh, What a Lovely War? What did you think of it?


Audience Reaction-Le Grand Restaurant21-6-14

Did you have a chance to see Le Grand Restaurant? What did you think of it?


Review-Ari Shaffir-Comedy.HK19-6-14

What do you get when you put three male comedians on stage? Lots of penis jokes, it seems. Yes, penis jokes are funny, but I wouldn’t chose penis humour as a theme for an entire show. Whether Ari Shaffir mandated it, or it was just a coincidence, three acts heavy on penis content became tiring by the end of the night. Looking back now at a note on Shaffir’s website, I see he warns people not to come to the show if they “don’t like hearing Jews telling awful jokes about sexual misconduct”, so I suppose I was warned.


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