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Audience Reaction-Marco Polo-Le French May19-5-14

Did you have a chance to see Marco Polo? What did you think of it?


Review-Spring Board Showcase-Hong Kong Dance Alliance17-5-14

In stand-up comedy, there’s a basic structure when putting a set together: use a strong opener, close with your strongest material, and anything that’s new/untested/unproven can then go into the middle. This performance follows this structure knowingly with the showcase of three mid-career choreographers' contemporary works at the Sai Wan Ho Civic Center.


Review-Wait Until Dark-Hong Kong Rep13-5-14

I was really excited to see a Cantonese production of Wait Until Dark. I’m a huge fan of the play and the movie with Audrey Hepburn. I enjoy seeing plays I’ve seen in English performed in different languages. I’m a firm believer that good art transcends all language barriers, HK Rep’s Wait Until Dark is a great thriller for audiences of all backgrounds.


Audience Reaction-Three Dances for Celebration-HKAPA12-5-14

Did you have a chance to see Three Dances for Celebration? What did you think of it?


Review-Mother Matters-Apple Pie Productions11-5-14

Mother Matters is an ensemble theatre piece that is being presented at the KUC Space in Jordan this weekend, described in the bill as "The Mother of all Plays" and "We couldn't afford therapy- so we wrote a play". Mother Matters seemed the perfect play to go see this weekend as Mother's Day is being celebrated today in the US and Hong Kong.


Review-Faust-Opera Hong Kong10-5-14

From Goethe to Goth. For this year's Le French May, it offers to show how the French composer Gounod reduced a thoughtful psychological tragedy by German writer Goethe down to a frothing Gothic romp. Director Paul-Emile Fourny magnified this vision by limiting the color palette on stage to grayscale with occasional red; and it worked.


Audience Reaction-Tell Me the Truth-Le French May10-5-14

Did you have a chance to see Tell Me the Truth? What did you think of it?


Review-Constance-Perilous Mouths9-5-14

Behind every great man, they say, is an even greater woman. By that reckoning, Constance Holland nee Lloyd (the woman who loved, married, stood by and then separated from the great Oscar Wilde before pre-deceasing him at the age of 39) must have been pretty amazing as well as amazingly pretty.


Audience Reaction-Taming of the Shrew-HKAPA9-5-14

Did you have a chance to see The Taming of the Shrew? What did you think of it?


Audience Reaction-9 Circles-ACT Hong Kong8-5-14

Did you have a chance to see 9 Circles? What did you think of it?


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