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Audience Reaction-Made in Hong Kong-New Force in Motion2-6-14
Did you have a chance to see Made in Hong Kong? What did you think of it?
Shows We're Reviewing in June1-6-14
May was a very busy month for the HKELD critics. Like many of your sons, daughters and students, many of the HKELD critics are studying for exams or teachers. Due to their limited availability in June we're asking that all review requests be submitted at least 1 week in advance. Reviews will be provided on a first come, first serve basis. To schedule a review please email us at
Review-Footloose-Face Productions31-5-14
I only know of about seven people who have never seen the movie Footloose, I know about the same number of people who don't like the movie and that is about the same number of people who also hate dancing. If you are one of these seven people who don't like the classic Kevin Bacon film or cutting a rug, then you probably won't like Face Productions' presentation this weekend. However, if you enjoy dancing and classic 80's cinema, you'll be in for a treat. (Just FYI, they've set this production in 2014 so don't get your heart set on bad 80's hair and shirts with the necks cut out.)
Review-Victims and Preachers-Performance Exchange30-5-14
'Victims and Preachers' makes big claims but packages them in small parcels - twenty, according to the programme notes (but I counted an extra one). For a show lasting barely 1 hour (without interval), that's an average of less than 3 minutes per piece.
Review-Doubt: A Parable-Sweet and Sour Productions30-5-14
I’m not quite sure how to write this one. Should I play up the British angle of Jimmy Saville & Gary Glitter because that would resonate with the old guard of Hong Kongers left behind from the 97 exodus? Should I lean on the Catholic Church lying angle as the focus of the production, which may also resonate with the audience members for the play? Would it be more eye catching to discuss a bit of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s early demise in reference to the Hollywood film of the same content? (Did Meryl receive an Oscar nod for that one?) Perhaps a series of puns based on the title would be the right way to start out … I think I’d still have my reservations of uncertainty following any of these paths in this review.
Audience Reaction... The Marriage of Figaro28-5-14
Did you have a chance to see The Marriage of Figaro? What did you think of it?
Review-Les Sylphides-Hong Kong Ballet24-5-14
Hong Kong Ballet's Les Sylphides and more is a salon style ballet. This means it's several smaller pieces put together into an evening of entertainment. I prefer this style of ballet over a full production for several reasons:
Audience Reaction-And... Action!-Le French May23-5-14
Did you have a chance to see And.. Action!? What did you think of it?
Review-Tap Dogs-Lunchbox Productions21-5-14
Dein Perry's Tap Dogs opened last night at the APA. It's an 80 minute show of fast-paced, well-polished fun, it's tap dancing on steroids. Think of every great tap dancing stereotype you've ever thought of: Fred Astaire on the ceiling, Savion Glover on Sesame Street, Singing in the Rain... This show takes them and turns the volume up to 11. It's a show with a lot of flash, excellent comedic timing and great dance technique.
Review-The Merchant of Venice-Singapore Repertory Theatre20-5-14
Over the weekend I was invited out to Singapore to see Singapore Rep's Shakespeare in the Park. This year's production was The Merchant of Venice. Now, I'm gonna be honest here... Merchant is not one of my favorite Shakespeares. I've found some funny moments in the story but I've never really thought of it as a comedy and although Shylock is most assuredly the villain of the story I've always connected with him more than Antonio who's just a "nice guy".
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