Do you want to get HKELD?
This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!
And why is this site called HKELD?
Have Audience Members Lost Respect for the Art?27-7-15
Theater etiquette rules are fairly straightforward: don’t be late, keep quiet during the show and if you are not a cast or crew member, stay off the stage.
Preview-Jumping Frames- CCDC25-7-15
Last year CCDC brought us the Jumping Frames film festival. It’s a festival that celebrates modern dance and new choreographers through modern design and film. We had the pleasure to talk with CCDC about the festival and why exposing children to dance is important to their development…
Feminism and Modern Dance23-7-15
In contemporary study on the body, dance doesn't seem to receive the same critical or philosophical attention as the fields of art, literature and cinema. Yet dance would appear to be a natural starting point. It is one of the few art forms in which feminist theory is actually embodied.
Hong Kong's B-Boys Take to the Street22-7-15
Everyone is one of two types of people. Type A: People who have been utterly enthralled by a street dancer. Type B: Liars.
Typhoon Refunds: Ultraheroes Acrobattle10-7-15
Last night was Hong Kong's weakest Typhoon 8 in history, several productions were cancelled last night. Ultraheroes Acrobattle show has released the refund information for people who had tickets to last night's show.
We're in a Cultural Renaissance: Embrace the Change! 7-7-15
When I moved here there was very little in Hong Kong’s art scene. There was Hong Kong Arts Festival, a few community theatres putting on plays and the Chinese language art scene, which was completely separated from the English speaking artists. I remember there were six companies that I could work with in the beginning… Want to know how many companies there are now? 47.
The 2014-2015 Hecklers! 4-7-15
Can you believe it's been a year since last year's nominations for the Hecklers? We can't... This year has flown by. There's been so many wonderful performances this year by local performers- we can't wait to see who ends up on the ballot this year! is proud to announce that starting on July 4th our site will be working hard to celebrate the best moments of the 2014-2015 performance season.
Get Involved!: Auditions and Workshops This Month29-6-15
Here's some links to auditions and workshops that are happening in Hong Kong this month...
Voices of the Future: Art Students Graduate This Month!26-6-15
We had the pleasure of attending the exhibits and speaking with several students at various art graduations this past month. We collected some of our favorite quotes. The future talent looks on the bright side of things, despite the cloudy horizon.
Bamboo Construction at the Hong Kong Art Museum25-6-15
There is limited time to catch Bamboo Constructs at the Hong Kong Museum of Art.
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