Do you want to get HKELD?

This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!

And why is this site called HKELD?

The Underground Picks for October!6-10-15

HKELD is going to start covering Hong Kong's awesome live music and visual art scenes starting this month. We're all too happy to partnering with The Underground to help us share their picks of upcoming shows that you should take note of!f!


Hong Kong's Bravest Busker!30-9-15

A musician who stood up to MTR staff who tried to stop him from singing and strumming his guitar on a bridge near Kwun Tong station has been praised as a hero.


Ticketflap Hopes to Change the Face of Online Ticketing29-9-15

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Chris and Martin of Ticketflap, fresh off their Heckler win for Best Ticketing Provider. I was pleased to know these guys and see we have a company in Hong Kong that appreciates the talent in our city. Ticketflap holds an ethical view of selling tickets but keeps the fees affordable for the event organizer.


Live with Lizzy!- Irma- Face to Face Tour22-9-15

Starting on YouTube, this French-Cameroonian folk pop singer, now has over 31,000 subscribers and millions of views. Over the weekend, she stopped by Hong Kong as part of her Face to Face Tour and performed at the Vine Centre in Wan Chai.


Live with Lizzy!- The Anello, Next 2 Me EP Release Party18-9-15

The Anello is a Hong Kong based duo mashing indie, electronic and R&B. With Jeff Anello on vocals and Michal Garcia handling keys, electronics and trumpet, The Anello’s sound is definitely not what I usually lean towards and it’s quite safe to say my first impression differed greatly to my second


Preview- The Waste Land- Shadow Players16-9-15

The Waste Land is considered one of the most influential poems of the twentieth century. The Waste Land was written in the aftermath of WWI by Eliot when he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and while his marriage was failing.


Vish Reviews People: Angus Cheng15-9-15

Beginning with Angus Cheng. The only Eurasian I've ever known to hire pornstars for voice acting in a video game.


New Series: Vish Reviews People13-9-15

For those that were at the Hecklers last week, you were privy to a special announcement that HKELD is expanding its coverage over the next few months to write blogs on more than theatre and dance. You guys have been asking for this and we're answering with a resounding, YES!


The Hecklers Rock On at Orange Peel!9-9-15

We came, we drank, we gave out the awards and we partied hard!


And the Winners are...8-9-15

Drum roll please...


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