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This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!

And why is this site called HKELD?

Theatre and Social Integration8-10-14

This month I got the chance to sit down with some students from The University of Hong Kong’s Social Service Group (HKUSSG) and members of the Hearing Impaired Support Network (HSIN) to talk about their upcoming theatre production Dot Dot Dot (“點點點”).


Will Occupy Central Change the Way HK Views Art?6-10-14

Occupy Central's Admiralty location has a plethora of public art and audience interactive art on display. They vary from the Lennon wall, where people can put up Post-its answering the question "Why Are We Here?" to Billy Lau's project where he had over 60 different languages display "Support Democracy in Hong Kong". The people of HK can get involved in the art at Admiralty. The protests have a grassroots feel that has been absent from many of Hong Kong's public art displays in the past.


Dear Readers...5-10-14

For the past week several members of the HKELD team and I have been on the ground at Occupy. We've shared photos and videos with you from the ground, live tweeted our experiences and dedicated our coverage fully to the protests. We're an art blog. Politics are not really our speciality but we wanted to be there with the people, sharing their stories and helping spread the word about the peaceful protests.


Other Broadway Tunes For Your Revolution Playlist4-10-14

Les Mis' "Do You Hear the People Sing?" is the official anthem of Occupy Central. Beyond's Boundless Sea and Sky 海闊天空 is also an anthem for this protest.


Photos from Occupy3-10-14

We're all waiting to see what will happen at the Government Headquarters this morning. A sit in has begun on Lung Wo Road, one of the few remaining carriageways around the government headquarters that had remained largely free of demonstrators. There is tension in the air because of the police carrying riot gear through the crowds yesterday around 6pm. The government also released an official statement on Occupy Central around that time.


Les Mis' Do You Hear the People Sing is the Anthem of Occupy Central1-10-14

Les Misérables doesn't have the happiest ending for a musical. Still it is one of the most famous and most performed musicals worldwide. Basing it on the novel by Victor Hugo, which follows the struggles of characters up to and through the 1832 Paris uprisings against Louis Philippe (brutally suppressed at the time), French composer Claude-Michel Schönberg composed the Tony Award-winning score in 1980, with a libretto by Alain Boublil. It was staged in London's West End in 1985, with English lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer and ran on Broadway for over 10 years. The musical's call to arms song from the end of Act 1 has become the official song of Occupy Central and the Umbrella Revolution. We present it to you today in both English and Cantonese.


Hong Kong Artists Help Occupy the Streets of Hong Kong30-9-14

Since the weekend, Hong Kong has been front page news around the world because of the pro-democracy protests here.


Occupy Central28-9-14

Like it. Share it. Tweet it. Hong Kong is in our hearts tonight. We're sending our love and prayers to the protestors. Spread the message that love and peace are stronger than tear gas. ‪#‎prayersforoccupycentral‬


Preview-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest-Naiad Productions26-9-14

Director and producer Lara Genovese has made quite a name for herself the last few years in Hong Kong. Starting off as a designer for shows like Orphans and California Suite, Lara began her directing career with An Accidental Death of an Anarchist and last year’s P.S.- Your Cat is Dead! She’s now hitting harder material in a larger space with One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest next month at the HK Rep Blackbox. Known for her stellar attention to detail, we’re looking forward to how she interprets the barren space of a mental institution.


Got Questions?24-9-14

We've been getting some emails this week about HKELD's terms of use. We're happy to help you guys find the info you need with ease.


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