Do you want to get HKELD?
This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!
And why is this site called HKELD?
What's Your Problem?22-1-13
Every month we ask the Artists of the Month, "If there was one thing they could change in the HK art scene, what would it be?" Artists love talking about their artistic problems whether it be venues, ticket prices to events, lack of audience, etc. So we thought we would get our readers "problems" with the HK Art scene in order to get the full picture.
Coming Soon... Our House Festival19-1-13
Our House Festival is a new multi-art platform festival that is coming to Hong Kong this week. Sponsored by HK Magazine and Fill in the Blank, its tag line is "Don't let your creativity be homeless."
Submit Your Podcast Questions Now!17-1-13
We're recording our podcast today with the Director of Mind Eater and Terence Chang, professor of Directing from the Academy of Performing Arts.
Save Money and Go to the Theatre... Say What?!16-1-13
A lot of questions people ask me when I meet them for the first time is about how I budget to see all the theatre I do. I'm an unusual person. I see a show a week on average. I was doing this before I had this awesome job (and got press passes). Budgeting for this was always a bit of a challenge but completely doable. There is a way to see a lot of art and save money while doing it.
Define Theatre...13-1-13
One of the basic things you're asked to write about in University is to define your art form. We've all been asked to write the classic paper "Define theatre..." in some form or another.
Parts of the Stage12-1-13
If you're going to join a theatrical production one of the first things you must learn are the parts of the stage, so you can understand your Director's blocking. Blocking for the stage is done from the performer's perspective. So when he tells you to go stage left, he means the actor's left.
Coming Soon... West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre11-1-13
Coming in January is one of HK's most unique theatrical experiences. The West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre project is returning. Everyone rejoice! The purpose of the festival is to help expose and educate the public on Chinese Opera. I know it's an acquired taste but I really love it. Over 3 weeks we'll have a chance to see over a dozen performances. Some are even free - can't beat that price!
Do Trailers Work?10-1-13
I was in the cinema the other day, when we were flooded with trailers for various programs happening at the Hong Kong Arts Festival. I watched them and was very intrigued by them but I had to wonder: do they work?
We're Curious...9-1-13
HKELD has been going strong for about 5 months now. We've seen and reviewed 54 shows together as a staff. We were looking at our number and were a bit curious about how many shows our audience had seen in the past six months?
Internet Treasure...6-1-13
I found this on the internet today while searching for a flow chart. I found it on I had a really good giggle over it and thought our readers might also find it rather funny. Hope you enjoy it! Remember, that if you're stuck with that writer's block you can always add zombies to your play...
53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61