Do you want to get HKELD?

This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!

And why is this site called HKELD?

Pop Up Opera5-1-13

Now, I know we usually don't cover film things but I have to say this is one of the coolest things to come to Hong Kong. A pop up opera!


How to Build a Flat4-1-13

Building a theatrical flat is a basic everyone should know. I've written this in case you're in need of a refresher course.


10 Weird Facts About the Hong Kong Theatre Scene...3-1-13

The theatre world can be rife with secrets. So might as well spill a couple of them. Enjoy!


Resolutions for the New Year31-12-12

2012 has been a very exciting year for me! I want to keep working at bettering myself and my craft. Here are my resolutions for 2013. What's your resolution?


Official Notice-Changes-Comment Section29-12-12

In the next couple of days you're going to see some big changes come to HKELD. Most noticeably you're going to see a big overhaul in how our comment section is managed. We felt it best to make a blog posting to talk about these changes and how it will affect your use of the site.


Ode to the Hong Kong Artist27-12-12

Being in a rather silly mood; another cheesy poem about the HK art scene has been written. After all, the last one was a huge success!


What We've far27-12-12

People use the end of the year to reflect on past accomplishments.


What Was Your First?26-12-12

What was your first time in the theatre? I was asked this the other day by a kid. My first theatrical experience came from a school tour of Pinocchio that was at a friend's elementary school. I was invited along by her mom to see it. It was done with traditional Italian marionettes. And to be honest it was pretty damn creepy. I can't tell you whether the script was very good or whether the acting was great but I can remember a lot of details about the masks and costumes on the puppets.


How To Make Stage Blood23-12-12

Isn't Christmas time all about feeling cozy and peaceful? So, let me teach you about making stage blood.


Let's Get Nontraditional!20-12-12

Holidays are all about traditions. But I was thinking how can our art scene go nontraditional? After all, traditions are predictable and predictable is BORING.


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