Do you want to get HKELD?

This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!

And why is this site called HKELD?

In Memory7-10-12 received news over the weekend that local costuming legend Gregory Derham has passed away.


How Do You Pick?4-10-12

We recently added the 75th event to our What's On calendar. There are so many exciting events happening soon in Hong Kong. How am I as an audience member ever going to pick what to see? How do you pick?


5 Hidden Gems3-10-12

Recently my friend, Wendy, (who I met on Twitter because that's a thing now...) invited me to the Asia Society to see an art show. I've lived in Hong Kong four years and consider myself pretty knowledgeable about the city. So when she tells me it's in Admiralty by Pacific Place I'm like "I got this..."


What Qualifies?2-10-12

Recently my friend Debbie and I were chatting about planning charity events in Hong Kong. Debbie has been working furiously on her Black and White Ball. She was asking about whether we were going to use HKELD to promo charity events in Hong Kong.


The Klout of a Cat29-9-12

I recently read that the most googled thing on the internet, other than pornography, is pictures of cute cats. If only I could manage to harness the success of cute cats into my art form. What is it about cute cats that makes people fawn over them in droves on the internet? There are thousands of sites dedicated to them. I'm a cat person. I personally am the foster mother to a cat whom I affectionately call Hell Beast. She's not a very pleasant animal. She bites me constantly, she doesn't like to be held, touched or looked at. But still my friends think she's very cute and love it when I tell stories about her on facebook. How can such a wretched animal, like Hell Beast, have more facebook friends than me? Where did cats get such klout? And how can we use their power for good?


Free and Pretty Dresses?!!28-9-12

Yesterday I was invited to the Hong Kong Ballet and 1881's collaboration on the History of Ballet in Hong Kong. It was a free exhibition of photos, costumes, videos of performance footage and a free sample performance from the recently heralded, Cinderella. The crowd was bustling full of media people, parents who were invited to bring their kids and tourists who just randomly stopped by. An hour of free ballet performance and photo taking with the cast in beautifully designed costumes. The frog costumes were the best part of the show and were very cute! Props to the boys for wearing them out in the heat and leaping like proud little froggies! How great is it that we live in a city where we can see free ballet on a Wednesday afternoon?


Moon Plays25-9-12

In honor of Mid-Autumn festival we went on the search for great plays with the moon as a central figure or theme in them. Mid Autumn festival is a Chinese festival that celebrates the harvest traditionally and the full moon. The presence of the full moon in the moon cakes is represented in the yellow yolk. Mid-Autumn festival is also associated with the legend of Houyi, who shot the suns and with the help of a rabbit was re-united with his dead wife on the moon once a year. (Hence the rabbit shape on the moon.)


Oh the Places You'll Go!24-9-12

"Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!


Coming Soon...New Vision Arts Festival21-9-12

I sat down with Esmond Chan to talk about the New Vision Arts Festival. Mr. Chan is the Senior Manager of Festivals for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. We sat down in his office and had a chat about the festival programming, how it's set up and what he's excited about for this year's festival. It was such a pleasure to talk to him. He's so nice. It wasn't like a formal interview, we even went off topic for a little bit and discussed Hong Kong arts education for a little bit. I can't recommend the festival enough as it seems it has something for everyone. There's an avant garde opera by Samuel Beckett, a B-boy group, a world premiere dance piece, Tang Shu Wing's theatre troupe and modern dance pieces included in the festival this year.


Ode to the McAulay20-9-12

I attended Champagne and Cigarettes last night because I'm close friends with many of the cast and crew members. Despite my burning love for my friends I and many audience members positively froze to death in the tundra that is the McAulay. In honor of the icey hell that I can only compare to the 9th circle of hell I have written a poem. One, because it is late and I feel inspiration has taken hold of me in a whimsical nature and two, I can remember several fellow artists who have complained about this issue. Rather than whine about it I'll turn it into art. Please read it in the sarcasm it was written!


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