Do you want to get HKELD?
This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!
And why is this site called HKELD?
Grants in Hong Kong: Something Needs to Change10-2-15
In Fall of 2014 I applied for a grant in Hong Kong through the ADC. I knew it was going to be tough, 8 out of 10 people who apply for ADC grants in Hong Kong are rejected and very few projects in English are accepted. But I was very hopeful for its approval because I thought my idea was good, that I was going to provide a meaningful art experience and my fans in HK have encouraged me to apply for government funding. Many other English speaking artists in HK have done the same. You apply for the 2 main types of grants the ADC currently offers:
Shakespeare in the Port Returns to HK6-2-15
After attracting over 2,000 people last year to a positive debut, Shakespeare in the Port is back again this April for another festival of outdoor theatre. This year, the main stage shows are promised to be bigger and better with two of the Bard’s famous comedies, The Tempest and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, to balance a hefty tragedy King Lear. Not only is the selection increased, this year’s productions are bilingual and will feature different theatre styles. The Tempest directed by Aska Leung is a physical theatre production in Cantonese; Midsummer is adapted for kids; and King Lear directed by Ben Margalith is an adapted English production with a Queen at the heart of its tragedy.
Theatre Gifs to Give You Warm Fuzzies5-2-15
Thanks theatre for teaching me stuff...
5 Best Theatre Movies30-1-15
These are movies that about the life in the theatre. They are not movie/musicals. This is a whole other category for us to tackle at a later date. There are tons of movies about the life treading the boards but these are some of our personal favorites. Some are based on true stories and some are just based on the crazy life we lead backstage.
Conscious Art Consumption29-1-15
Part of Meaghan's Notes from her TedX Wanchai talk last night:
See You Tonight at TEDX Wanchai!28-1-15
Our editor, Meaghan has been selected for the final rounds of TEDX Wanchai. She'll be speaking tonight at Orange Peel starting at 8pm. She'll be speaking about the art scene in Hong Kong- so if you want to come hear her talk and hear the myriad of other talented lady speakers in HK, come down!
Hong Kong Arts Festival is back!27-1-15
Hong Kong Arts Fest returns to Hong Kong next month presenting over 30 different productions a little over a month. They've done something a little different this year, in that a majority of all their shows are at 4 main playing spaces.
Preview-Brave Heart Theatre26-1-15
Lovers of local art are rejoicing that Brave Heart Theatre is back with another season starting next month. The brainchild of Tom Hope, Brave Heart is an underground gem that brings theatre to an alternative crowd in an intimate space, The Premium Sofa Club. Last season included three plays, including a world-premiere play by a Hong Kong playwright, Wing Man Lam.
Why Do Open Auditions Matter?23-1-15
Recently, I received an anonymous note in our tumblr. “Can you please talk about auditions in Hong Kong? I think it is very sad that many companies are no longer doing open auditions to the public. This does not encourage the community spirit that theatre should have.”
Podcast Questions: Brave Heart Theatre20-1-15
On our next podcast we'll be interviewing the team from Brave Heart Theatre. We're going to be discussing what it takes to start a new theatre company in town and how to get a venue started. We'll also be discussing their upcoming season of plays. Got any questions for them?
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