Do you want to get HKELD?
This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!
And why is this site called HKELD?
Preview- P.S. Your Cat is Dead!- NAIAD Productions28-1-14
Fans of last year’s Accidental Death of an Anarchist will be excited to hear that producer and director Lara Genovese is back with her next production. P.S. Your Cat is Dead! is a black comedy by American playwright James Kirkwood.
Art in the MTR27-1-14
We saw this today at the MTR in Central.
Moving Right Along!22-1-14
Due to popular demand we're bringing our podcast back!
Preview-Den of Thieves-Aurora Theatre16-1-14
Fans of Aurora Theatre will be excited to know that they are producing another play this month at the McAulay in Wanchai. Den of Thieves is the story of a shoplifter named Maggie looking to change her life.
How Do You Find Out?15-1-14
We're curious as to how our readers find out about what's happening night on Hong Kong's stage
One Week Left!14-1-14
Don't forget there's one week left to enter this month's giveaways.
The Best Feelings in the Theatre7-1-14
What's your favorite feeling on the boards? Share all your feels below... This is a safe place.
What Do You Want To See?4-1-14
It's the beginning of the year and we want to know what kinds of shows you want to see more of in the upcoming year.
Theatre Cats3-1-14
What's Your Resolution?31-12-13
2013 simply flew by, didn't it? One of our favorite parts of the New Year is coming up with resolutions. Things we can improve about ourselves-
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