Do you want to get HKELD?
This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!
And why is this site called HKELD?
Anatomy of an Opening Night22-4-14
Preview-The Tragedy of Miss Julius Caesar-Shakespeare in the Port17-4-14
When you think of Julius Caesar you typically think of old men in togas with laurels on their heads. But director Hannah Lochhead thought of something very different. She loves Shakespeare and she loves burlesque and wanted to marry them in one project - and Julius Caesar seemed the perfect vessel for combining the two genres. "During my research for the show I had seen several other versions of this story using burlesque. This story of ambition and power is perfectly suited for this world."
Preview-The Taming of the Shrew-Shakespeare in the Port16-4-14
A cast of local actors have come together to perform Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew for Hong Kong’s inaugural Shakespeare outdoor festival ‘Shakespeare in the Port’. The famous comedy is one that has had many adaptations (including much loved Hollywood teen flick 10 Things I Hate About You) but is also a play that’s met with plenty of controversy over the years, mainly due to the fact that by today’s standards it appears to be terribly chauvinistic.
Podcast Questions: Podfest 20149-4-14
HKELD will be appearing with 6 different podcasts at the first annual podfest in Hong Kong. It's called Pod to the People and will be recorded live in front of a studio audience. The idea is that the shows will be entertaining and informative, so the audience can enjoy an afternoon of great conversations and joyous noise. We will be taking questions from the audience, so please come down and join in the fun.
We Wanna Start a Forum:4-4-14
A couple weeks ago I was asked to attend a forum talk as part of the Hong Kong Arts Festival. The topic was the Nordic Modern Dance Culture. We studied their model of success in Scandanavian countries and talked about how their ideas and concepts could improve the modern dance scene in Hong Kong. Many of the same issues that Hong Kong has, the Nordic forum had dealt with. I found it was very useful to hear their story and how their art scene got on its feet.
We're Updating Our Links2-4-14
This month we're revamping our links section to include casting, talent, rental service providers and kindred spirits in the Hong Kong art community. We've added a bunch of new links over the past couple of days and we'll be adding more as they come in. Know about a great costume rental company or headshot photographer? Leave us a comment below!
Give Props27-3-14
This past couple weeks I've been working on collecting props for a production. Props hunting in Hong Kong can be an arduous task for a first time props master. There is no Target or Walmart where you can find everything in one place, like in western countries. Let's break down where you can find your basics.
Favorite Arts Festival Show?24-3-14
Hong Kong Arts Festival closed over the weekend.
Podcast Questions: Fringe Club11-3-14
Over the past few months we've received hundreds of emails, tweets and comments begging us to get a podcast interview with the venue management of Hong Kong. Venue prices and policies are a major concern for artists and audience members in Hong Kong. We've been emailing and calling venues over the past few months to no avail, when magically we got an email back from the Fringe Club.
Univision is back! Our former intern/now critic Karen is still working on the series with our new intern Dikshya Karki. Both ladies are students at HKU and are checking out what shows are currently playing in Hong Kong that are best suited to the student mindset and wallet constraints.
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