Do you want to get HKELD?

This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!

And why is this site called HKELD?

Epic Theatre Problems17-12-13

#theatreproblems is a new tag that is taking over tumblr and twitter. We have posted a lot of them over the past few months on our own tumblr but these are some of our favorites. Everyone knows #theatreproblems are a bit silly but our mutual anxiety over casting is what brings us together as a community.


Gifs That Prove Slings and Arrows is Seriously Underrated14-12-13

Slings and Arrows is a seriously underrated television series that was on Canadian television. It lasted 3 short seasons and revolved around a Shakespeare festival.


Critical Thinking12-12-13

HKELD will be revamping their Critics Panel this January. Some of our current critics will be stepping down for a bit due to work commitments and we need new red shirts to fill the void



Uni-vision is a monthly article written by our two college aged interns. They recommend shows to their fellow cash strapped students based on the most important thing to them: the student discount.


Preview-ELDORADO(HK)!-Not So Loud27-11-13

Last week I had the pleasure of talking to Tom Hope, co-founder of Not So Loud Theatre Company, about ELDORADO(HK)!, the upcoming play reading series that’s to take place at the Fringe Club in December.


Preview-Elvis McGonagall-Not So Loud25-11-13

Last week I had the opportunity to interview Tom Hope, co-founder of Not So Loud Theatre Company, about its upcoming show ELVIS MCGONAGALL: One Man & His Doggerel!


Coming Soon... Freespace Fest 201321-11-13

This week we were invited to the media picnic for Freespace Fest at the West Kowloon Arts District. This is the second year that the festival will be happening in HK. 20,000 people attended the festival last year. Outdoor theatre experiences are few and far between in this city and Freespace Fest was invented to get the people outdoors, enjoying art and the beautiful city around them. The festival will be happening next month on December 14th and 15th.


Preview-Venus in Fur-Sweet & Sour Productions18-11-13

Venus in Fur, written by David Ives, has generated somewhat of a buzz on (and off) Broadway since its 2010 premiere, earning itself widespread acclamation, a Tony nomination for Best Play, and even a film adaptation by Roman Polanski.


Filming Live Theatre: Pro or Con?12-11-13

Recently in the news there's been some buzz about the recent fad of filming live theatre productions and showing them in cinemas. This is not a new concept. I remember as a little girl watching Italian operas on PBS or the Great Performances Series.


Most Boring Play?7-11-13

Last week on tumblr a hot topic was boring plays. We all know that there are shows that we love. Shows that we buy the scripts to, buy movie tickets for the adaptations, and see over and over again, but sometimes there are plays which are super boring.


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