Do you want to get HKELD?

This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!

And why is this site called HKELD?

Happy Birthday To Us!1-9-13

One year ago today we opened the web doors of HKELD.


What's Your Favorite?29-8-13

I think your favorite play says a lot about you.


Acting Techniques You Should Know28-8-13

There are many different acting techniques that people are trained under. You may be hired to work on a show with a director who wants to use a specific type of acting across the board.


Types of Theatre in Gif26-8-13

Need to know about the different types of theatre but hate reading? Maybe your boyfriend is taking you to a show and you're unsure of what you're about to see. Don't worry! HKELD is here to give you a gif guide to some of the various types of theatre.


Get Critical22-8-13

HKELD will be adding one more slot to their critic's panel this fall. We're in demand with a lot of productions and our current panel just can't keep up. We are looking for an art loving, opinionated person to fill the slot.


Thanks for Voting!22-8-13

Thanks for your enthusiasm for The Hecklers. The voting is now closed.


5 Stages of Getting a Bad Review21-8-13

Asking a critic to come into your house and review your show is no easy task. No one likes getting a bad review but they're just part of the biz. We appreciate every artist who has been brave enough to offer us a press ticket and invite us in this past year. We've loved reviewing all the shows and can't wait to get started on the 2013-2014 season. Here's the 5 Stages of Getting a Bad Review. It's also an homage to Elsabeth Kubler-Ross and her 5 stages of grief.


Nominees-Best Coverup (The Oops! Award)20-8-13

We described the award as the following when we announced it, "The oops! award. Had an understudy step at the last minute and save a show? Had a technical disaster happen on your show and your SM save the day? This is the award to recognize those brave artists who showed courage under fire and saved the ship when it was going down!"


Nominees-Best Director19-8-13

A director leads the show; is the master of the ship. A great director is more than that. A great director is a visionary and a teacher. A great director helps lead the the creative team and the acting team into making a unique piece of art, all while having fun on the way. We had such competition in the director category we ended up having a tie and ended up with six nominees.


Nominees-Best Stage Manager17-8-13

Stage management is one of the hardest jobs in the business. You have to manage the whole production from both a design perspective and manage the actors once you go into the theatre.


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