Do you want to get HKELD?
This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!
And why is this site called HKELD?
And the Nominees Are...20-7-13
The public has voted and chosen the best of the best for the 2012-2013 season! Don't shoot the messenger. Each category has 5 nominees based on the highest number of votes.The nominees appear on the ballot in random order.
Community Meeting?19-7-13
I was having a chat the other day with some people in the theatre scene and the idea of a yearly theatre scene meeting came up. A meeting where all the heads of the various companies get together and share their ideas for the upcoming year: dates, shows, etc.
10 Signs You Have a Degree in the Arts18-7-13
Our tumblr has been a smashing success recently. So we've decided to do some test articles that are more visual. Let us know what you think!
The Business of Begging17-7-13
Recently, I've been writing a lot of sponsorship packets and grant proposals. This is hands down my least favorite thing to do in the theatre biz. I don't like begging for money. But unfortunately, I'm a starving artist and art is kinda pricey to produce so I have to write these really nice letters to people. Most of time I kind of feel like this:
Catch us on RTHK3!16-7-13
Our Editor, Meaghan was recently on Something For the Weekend with Tim Littlechild. She talked a little bit about being a local blogger and answered the Super Fan quiz! Can you guess what her subject was?
Last Day for Nominations!13-7-13
Hey guys! A gentle reminder that today is the last day for nominations for The Hecklers!
Parody or Copyright Violation?12-7-13
I get a lot of questions on our tumblr and twitter about copyright stuff. People just wanting to know simple things like can they cut lines from a script? (The basic answer - no.) Other questions I get lots of are: Can I film my show? (Only if it's in the public domain or you have permission from the copyright holder.) I only took one class in school that covered theatre law and my understanding of the laws is strictly from an American perspective but I've been happy to help people who have been stumped by the language in their contracts. If you don't understand something in the contract or know you're going to violate the agreement - don't sign it!
3 days left!!!11-7-13
3 days left to get all your nominations in for the The Hecklers! Some of the nominations are very close and may come down to one or two votes.
HKELD on Speak HK10-7-13
Our editor, Meaghan was recently on Travis Jones' podcast, What's Up Hong Kong.
What Do You Want More Of?6-7-13
Summer is a little less crazy for our staff so we have time to go back through the past ten months of articles and reflect a bit. What have you loved? What do you want more of? The best way for us to know is to get your opinions! Please answer the survey below and if you have a couple minutes, leave us a note in the comment section about what you've enjoyed about HKELD and what kinds of articles you'd like to see more of in the next year.
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