Do you want to get HKELD?
This is the section that is all about HK. We're going to be posting up blogs, interviews with local artists, previews, running features, our confessions series, op-eds and much more!
And why is this site called HKELD?
1 Week Left for Nominations!7-7-14
There's just one week left to get in your nominations for the Hecklers! Submit your ballots for what shows you think are the best of the best of the past year. We've already had hundreds of nominations sent in and some of the categories are looking to be very popular, so don't hesitate. Nominations close at midnight on July 13th.
Super Saver Saturday5-7-14
I was speaking the other day to one of HKELD's fans about living as a starving artist in HK. He's recently had a second baby and so is now dealing with feeding another mouth; he wanted advice on how to save money in Hong Kong as an artist. It got me troubles are an issue for almost every artist I know. So, let's make articles about saving money in Hong Kong a regular thing. We're gonna call this series...Super Saver Saturday! Every Saturday over the summer, I or someone from the HKELD staff will write an article about saving money in Hong Kong. The more that we all save, the more money we can spend on our art.
Producing a Show 1013-7-14
Questions we are often asked go usually like this... Newbie: "I have this idea for a show! Can you give me advice on how I can do it?" Me: "Well, it takes money, patience and hard work." Newbie: "Is there like a website with all the answers?" Me: "Well, no... Just book your venue, pay for your rights, cast your show, rehearse it, sell tickets, put it on." Newbie: "But how do you do that?!" Oy... *facepalm*
Share Your #HK71 Experience With Us!2-7-14
You might be wondering why an art blog is tackling something like a political protest... Politics are very important for the arts. Theatre has been used as a tool of political manipulation since the ancient Greeks and art is often used to talk about important political issues. Several member of the HKELD critics panel were in the #HK71 Rally yesterday and we thought we'd give them a place on our site to share their experiences... If they wanted to.
2 Weeks Left!30-6-14
There's just 2 weeks left in nominations for the Hecklers! Get those ballots in for what shows you think are the best of the best of the past year. We've already had hundreds of nominations sent in and some of the categories are looking to be very popular, so don't hesitate. Nominations close on July 13th.
West Kowloon Cultural District: Got an Opinion?24-6-14
Got an opinion about how the West Kowloon Cultural District should be used? We know you do! We've heard tons of complaints from artists in the past year about how the space doesn't respond to emails inquiring about how to use the space, quotes outrageous amounts of money to rent the place out, supports international talent over local Hong Kong artists and the continual delays in opening the facilities at the district.
Preview-The Government Inspector-Shadow Players20-6-14
Many of you may remember last year’s production of The Learned Ladies of Midlevels by Shadow Players that was widely praised by fans and our critic, Leeann Bennett. The show even walked away with a Heckler last year for Best Supporting Actress. Shadow Players is back with their next production, Gogol’s The Government Inspector. This is easily his most prolific work, conquering topics like government corruption, bureaucracy and bribery with brilliant satire and wit. Government corruption is a hot button topic in Hong Kong now but director Julian Lamb was careful not to be too heavy handed with the parallels between Gogol’s work and what’s currently happening in Hong Kong.
June Art Forum19-6-14
Sorry for the late notice on our June Art Forum but we wanted to nail down our speakers before announcing it to the public! Following the success of our May Art Forum, the topic of our June Meetup will be "The Power of the Internet". Struggling how to wade the waters of social media marketing? What is the state of art when the world is obsessed with cat videos on youtube? Can a blog really change the world?
The 2013-2014 Hecklers13-6-14
Can you believe it's been a year since last year's nominations for the Hecklers? We can't... This year has flown by. There's been so many wonderful performances this year by local performers- we can't wait to see who ends up on the ballot this year! is proud to announce that starting on June 13th our site will be working hard to celebrate the best moments of the 2013-2014 performance season.
#HKCLS14- Post Event Thoughts6-6-14
The past two days I've been buried deep in the world of arts admin for Hong Kong. It's a very stressful job, not nearly as fun as being creative and I realized that these arts administrators in HK need a lot more credit than they are given. The Hong Kong Cultural Leadership Summit was a very informative event that centered around one topic: The branding of Hong Kong through the arts. This automatically put a lot of the artists on edge at the conference because branding and the arts don't necessarily go hand in hand in their eyes. For me, the purpose of the conference's theme was to talk about how we can brand Hong Kong as an art hub. People travel here for fashion, travel, food and even baby formula... How can we increase arts tourism in HK from the pitiful 1% in 2013 to the higher levels of 10% that Singapore has and 12% that Japan has?
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