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Review-Heart of Coral-Hong Kong Arts Festival2-3-13

The Chinese title for this chamber opera is ‘Xiao Hong’. That’s the name of the celebrated Chinese republican free-spirited writer who died in Hong Kong at aged 31, after a turbulent life in the broadening shadow of Japanese occupation. For more info, see here.


Review-LEO-Hong Kong Arts Festival1-3-13

Tonight I went to see Circle of Eleven's LEO. I did not have the best of times. Not because of the show but because of my seat and the girl sitting to my left. I was sitting in the cheap seats of the Studio Theatre at the Hong Kong Cultural Center. I didn't see a problem with these seats at first. Those of you who have been to this theatre before know that this theatre is a relatively small black box. Our seats ended up being on the house left balcony. I have never sat here before. Little did I know when booking that these seats were partial view for the performance. Bummer. Anytime the girl to my left would lean forward I couldn't see the film screen at all. Which made reviewing this show particularly difficult. If you are going to purchase tickets to this production DO NOT buy the 200HKD tickets. They are not worth the money you are saving. Go ahead and pay the extra 50 bucks and get to see the whole stage.


Review-Freud's Last Session-Stylus Productions28-2-13

I worried a little, while running to the Hong Kong Arts Centre, that one, I was going to be late; and two, I might find the play a little too intellectual for my liking. A play where Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis spar with words and talk about philosophy? Really?


Shows We're Reviewing in March28-2-13

March is going to be a super busy month for our staff. One day this month we'll be seeing 3 different shows in one evening! And people say that nothing is happening in town... Because of our very busy review schedule in March we're requesting that all requests for critics be submitted via email at least 2 weeks in advance.


Review-He & She- Liars' League26-2-13

Liars League is a "live fiction event" similar to a reader's theatre, where new writing is read out loud by professional actors. Their tag line is, "Writers write. Actors read. Everybody wins." Tonight I travelled to local art bar Joyce Is Not Here to hear the tales woven. There were eight stories in total, ranging from the hilariously innapropriate Threesome performed by Michael Rogers to the more serious Tempting Fate performed by Harry Oram. The evening was made into a full evening of entertainment by local folk band Homestead.


Review-The Animals and Children Took to the Streets-Hong Kong Arts Fest22-2-13

That was one of the best shows I have EVER seen in my life. It was brilliantly conceived, designed beautifully and acted to perfection. If you have not purchased tickets to 1927's production then RUN to the boxoffice and see if you can get a spare seat. (We have just been notified that this show has sold out... Perhaps you'll find one on asia expat?)


Review- One Man, Two Guvnors- Hong Kong Arts Fest16-2-13

Question: you review a show and end up on stage in it. Do you (a) give yourself a rave write-up and admit that without you the show would have been hopeless? (b) declare a hopeless conflict of interest and write nothing more? (c) make no mention of it and feel hopelessly compromised? or (d) stop wittering and get on with the review – and remember next time not to sit at the end of the second row of the stalls (left side) – unless, that is, you like being hauled up on stage as part of a show you’re reviewing because it gives you so much more to write about.


Review-The Vagina Monologues-V Day 201315-2-13

Yesterday was the 14th of February and so I wish you readers a Happy Valentines Day! But also a Happy V-Day, a movement set up by playwright and activist, Eve Ensler, in 1998 to stop violence against women. This has become an annual event in Hong Kong where local actresses perform The Vagina Monologues to raise money for a local women’s charity; this year the charity was “HERfund”.


Review-Excerpt Performance-West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre13-2-13

Tuesday was another day of free performances by the West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre Festival. Once again the queue for the free showcase was pretty ridiculous. I was very happy I lined up a half hour early. If you plan on going to free performances on Saturday I highly recommend you come early as the seating is first come/first served and some people this afternoon were not able to see the performance.


Review-The Beat of China- West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre10-2-13

Last night I went to The Beat of China, which was part of the West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre. I was excited to see this show as I thought the Bamboo Theatre was impressive in itself as a structure.


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